Sunday, September 18, 2011

What is a major mistake you should avoid in buying a home?

What is a major mistake you should avoid in buying a home? Actually, it is a simple one - not investigating the neighborhood in which the home is located! Now, the house may be beautiful, but is the neighborhood? It definitely pays to find out before you buy that home! So, check it out the neighborhood beforehand. Check it out during the day... the late afternoon (when kids tend to gather)... in the evening... and on weekends. Also, be sure to talk to a few neighbors. They can tell you about any general problems with the neighborhood and any specific problems with home owners. You definitely do not want to live in a house next to the neighborhood "nut." Also, if there are empty spaces on the block, find out what the zoning is for those spaces. If they are zoned for residential, no problem! However, if they are zoned for commercial uses, you may end up living close to a fast food place and all the traffic that comes with such restaurants. Bottom line: always evaluate the neighborhood as well as the house!