Monday, September 24, 2012

How can your credit score affect mortgage refinancing?

Most lenders use your "FICO" (Fair, Isaac and Co.) credit score to evaluate any mortgage loan or refinancing application you make. So, before contacting them, it is wide to get a copy of your credit score. If you are not familiar with the purpose of a FICO score, basically it tells lenders, creditors and others if you are a good risk or a poor one in terms loans. The score is arrived at by a formula involving your history of paying off debts like credit cards, mortgages and the like. The bottom line is this: The higher your FICO score, the better chance you will get a mortgage "refinance" at a lower interest rate. Currently, any score of 700 or above is in the good range to excellent range. If your score is below 700, then refinancing becomes more expensive in terms of interest rates. Since lenders consider you a higher risk, they want to ensure they will be repaid. Where can you get your FICO score? Several companies offer them on the Internet: and the three major credit bureaus (,, and offer you your credit report and your FICO score for a small one-time fee charged to your credit card. Equally important, they provide you with suggestions for improving your score. Be sure to review your credit report carefully. If you find errors, ask the three major credit bureaus to correct them before you apply for refinancing. You should expect to receive a corrected credit report within 30 days.