Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Employment Report & Turkey Day

A busy week included both an Election Day and a release on the employment numbers for October, as well as numerous additional points of data. The employment report was surprising to say the least with the markets assuming that the government shutdown would have held a lid on hiring during the month while government workers were furloughed. Not only was the addition of over 200,000 jobs more than expected last month, but the previous months data was adjusted higher as well. Economic data measuring activity in the manufacturing and service sectors also exceeded expectations. This strong data is important with regard to influencing measures of consumer sentiment which had turned lower during the month as the shutdown drama unfolded. From here, stronger consumer sentiment is critical. Why? Because it is shopping season.

November is the start of the Holiday Season and market analysts will be at the malls more frequently. Perhaps they will be doing some shopping, but more than likely they will be measuring early data regarding how busy the shopping season will be. Each year, store traffic becomes less important because so many are shopping on line. We are approaching both Black Friday and Cyber Monday in a few weeks. Though the word is that many stores will be open on Thanksgiving Day and perhaps Black Friday will become Black Thanksgiving Weekend. Certainly on-line shopping is open on Turkey Day so why not the stores? Well, those who have to work Thanksgiving Day certainly will not be thrilled -- unless they don't like turkey and football.

Let the games begin!

Mike Ervin
NMLS # 252715
C: 650.766.8500
P: 650.735.5261

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