Thursday, October 9, 2014

Nowhere To Go From Here

That is right. We have nowhere to go from here -- and that fact represents good news. Each week the markets watch the first time claims for unemployment to get a reading on the employment numbers. However, that practice may very well have run its course with regard to its importance in the short-term. It is a matter of math. When claims dip below 300,000, as they have for several weeks this year, there is not much room for them to decrease further. A recent article from Bloomberg indicated that we are now at the level of claims not seen since 2006. And there are over five million more people who are participating in today's labor force as compared to 2006.

Indeed, during the three previous expansions, weekly jobless claims averaged around 275,000, which is just below this year's low. Again, we have millions more in the labor force now. However, don't think that we have reached full employment. We have plenty who have exhausted their benefits and represent the long-term unemployed. Others are under-employed, which might mean they are employed part-time but desire to be employed full time. Add this to those who are laid off even in a better economy and there is room for improvement in the employment numbers even if the weekly claims do not move down from here.

Friday's jobs numbers tell us that we are still headed in the right direction with regard to returning to a healthy labor market and ultimately a healthy economy. Not only did the unemployment rate fall below 6.0% for the first time in six years with the addition of almost 250,000 jobs, but there was a significant upward revision of the previous months' numbers, which means the pause in August was not as severe as we originally thought. When the Federal Reserve Board's Federal Open Market Committee meets later this month, these numbers will be on the table for analysis. Until then, it will be interesting to see if the other economic reports for September follow this stronger trend.

Mike Ervin
Branch Manager/Mortgage Loan Officer

NMLS: 282715
O: 650.735.5261
C: 650.766.8500

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