Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Listening to the Fed's Words

Forget about what the Federal Reserve Board did not do for a minute. Let's talk about what they said. With the Fed, it is usually more likely that their words will be more important than their actions, or lack of action. This has been a very turbulent end of the summer for the markets. Above all, the Fed is interested in restoring calm and especially making sure that their actions do not add to the instability of the markets. And we certainly have had some unstable markets during the past several weeks.

This is exactly why we were expecting "calming words" from the Fed when they made their announcement. Did we get these words? Absolutely. The Fed said that "recent global economic and financial developments may restrain economic activity somewhat." Two things are important about this statement. First, it is softened by using the word "somewhat," meaning the Fed does not see a risk of a world-wide economic meltdown. Secondly, the Fed used the words "international or global" more than once. The international issues broaden the scope of the Fed's focus from just looking at our jobs or inflation numbers.

Bottom line is that the Fed did not raise rates, though they did leave that option open for their last two meetings of the year in October and December. That is good news for the markets and the consumer. The stock market has already been under pressure lately and it did not need the extra pressure of a rate hike. And rates on home loans are likely to stay low in light of the Fed's decision. We can't think of better news for the consumer right now.   

Mike Ervin
Branch Manager/Mortgage Banker

NMLS: 282715
O: 650.451-7797
C: 650.766.8500

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

How About Some Perspective?

Last week we talked about how times can change from week-to-week. With regards to the somewhat "disappointing" jobs report released recently, we have to reach back almost a decade to understand how our perspective changes over time. The economy lost approximately 8.7 million jobs during the Great Recession of 2007 to 2009. Since that time, the economy has added over 11 million jobs. The unemployment rate peaked at 10.0% in October of 2009. It currently stands at 5.1%, near the 4.5% bottom it hit before the recession took place.

Keep in mind that this does not mean we have recovered completely. During this time the country has added tens of millions to our population and therefore we have not recovered all jobs lost. Why is this perspective important? Because the Federal Reserve Board will be considering long term trends when they make a decision regarding raising rates this week. Yes, the latest report is important, but not as important as where we are headed. And therein lies the problem. The Fed can't predict where we are headed either. For that the Fed would need a crystal ball and they don't have one of those.

Certainly, the gyrations of the stock market will be considered by the Fed. And not only our stock market, but markets all over the world and especially in China. Is our market correction due to the possibility of the Fed raising rates or the fear of an economic slowdown spreading to our shores from overseas? One trend should be noted: short-term rates have risen during the past several weeks and this tells us that the markets are expecting some action from the Fed. Though short-term rates are not as "visible" to the consumer as longer-term rates that determine the value of fixed rate home loans, short-term rates do determine adjustments for those having variable rate home loans and this trend bears watching.

Mike Ervin
Branch Manager/Mortgage Banker

NMLS: 282715
O: 650.451-7797
C: 650.766.8500

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

My How Times Change

You may be thinking that we are talking about how the world has changed over the years. For example, who would have thought that a conversation with our children would most likely occur through texting on a machine that many of us did not even grow up with years ago? Here we are talking about how things change from week-to-week. During the past few weeks we have been illustrating factors before and against a rate increase orchestrated by the Federal Reserve Board, whose "Open Market Committee" meets next week.

On the plus side we had a strengthening economy and the creation of jobs. On the negative side we had a correcting stock market, a stronger dollar, a slowing economy overseas and plunging oil prices. In just a couple of days, the stock market rebounded significantly, we had a significant upward revision in the estimate for our economic growth in the second quarter and oil prices rebounded sharply as well. In a matter of a few days, we went from not at all expecting a rate increase to thinking that a rate increase could happen. Just to make things interesting, a few days later, stocks and oil prices reversed again. If you are confused, think how the Fed must feel considering this decision.

And then came the jobs report. What did the jobs report tell us? Even though the addition of 173,000 jobs was less than expected, the unemployment rate dropped to 5.1%, the previous month number of jobs added was revised upward and wages grew a bit more than predicted. Overall, this report is a positive one for the economy and, therefore, increases the chance of a rate increase next week. Most analysts are putting the chances of an increase at 50-50 right now. Though, one thing we can tell you is that the Fed does not like major uncertainty. And there is plenty of uncertainty out there right now. Too much uncertainty may be the overriding factor determining the results of this decision.

Mike Ervin
Branch Manager/Mortgage Banker

NMLS: 282715
O: 650.451-7797
C: 650.766.8500