Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Listening to the Fed's Words

Forget about what the Federal Reserve Board did not do for a minute. Let's talk about what they said. With the Fed, it is usually more likely that their words will be more important than their actions, or lack of action. This has been a very turbulent end of the summer for the markets. Above all, the Fed is interested in restoring calm and especially making sure that their actions do not add to the instability of the markets. And we certainly have had some unstable markets during the past several weeks.

This is exactly why we were expecting "calming words" from the Fed when they made their announcement. Did we get these words? Absolutely. The Fed said that "recent global economic and financial developments may restrain economic activity somewhat." Two things are important about this statement. First, it is softened by using the word "somewhat," meaning the Fed does not see a risk of a world-wide economic meltdown. Secondly, the Fed used the words "international or global" more than once. The international issues broaden the scope of the Fed's focus from just looking at our jobs or inflation numbers.

Bottom line is that the Fed did not raise rates, though they did leave that option open for their last two meetings of the year in October and December. That is good news for the markets and the consumer. The stock market has already been under pressure lately and it did not need the extra pressure of a rate hike. And rates on home loans are likely to stay low in light of the Fed's decision. We can't think of better news for the consumer right now.   

Mike Ervin
Branch Manager/Mortgage Banker

NMLS: 282715
O: 650.451-7797
C: 650.766.8500

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