Monday, November 5, 2012

More Secrets To Raising Your Credit Score..

Did you know that the credit bureau sells your private information every time you apply for a credit card, a cell phone, insurance, or any loan? You don't even need to give them permission to do it, they just do it! Is it any wonder that identity theft is the fastest growing crime in America? You can stop them from doing this. The government forced the credit bureaus to create an opt out site: This tells the credit bureaus to stop selling your information. When you do this, 2 things will happen.. you will notice a 75% decrease in junk mail and your credit score will go up, because they see this as a responsible thing for you to do!

Did you know that paying a collection account can actually reduce your credit score? Sounds backwards, but here's why.. The credit bureaus look at the date of last activity on each account to determine the impact it will have on the overall credit score. When you make a payment on a collection, the scoring system sees that as recent activity. Even though the activity was to do something good, the credit scoring software goes by date of last activity and makes the collection fresh again. Makes no sense to me either, but those are the facts.

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