Monday, November 12, 2012

Mad Client Call?

The other day I got a phone call from a very mad client! Apparently his real estate agent had made a mistake, or at least the client thought he had. So my question is we get referrals from irate past clients? YES! You can actually get the best client referrals from these situations.....

What is the right thing? It's a 3 step process:

1. Say you are sorry. "Mr. Client, I sincerely apologize for what happened."

2. Take responsibility. "Mrs. Client, I accept full responsibility."

That is a critical step. Never pass the buck or try to put the blame on somebody else, even if that other person is at fault. Passing the buck is like putting gas on a big fire!

3. Last, make it right. "Mr. and Mrs. Client, what can I do to make this right?"

I see agents and lenders frequently start throwing money at the problem, when most of the time all the client is looking for is to just be heard. Don't start off by offering solutions, ask them what they want. Once you have gone through the 3 step process, 90% of the time, these guys are your most passionate referral sources!

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