Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Unbridled Optimism

We move into 2015 with a flurry of projections to analyze. If we could summarize these projections using one word, that word would be -- optimism. The predictions for the most part seem to be optimistic with regard to economic growth for the next year and that includes the real estate markets which actually lagged the overall economy last year. Here are a few samples of the words used by these prognosticators---

  • "The U.S. economic outlook looks brighter, with growth likely to be somewhat above the trend of the past five years," New York Fed President William Dudley;
  • "Many of the gains that we recently predicted in the realtor.com® 2015 Housing Forecast are built on housing growth established in 2014,”  Jonathan Smoke, realtor.com®’s chief economist;
  • "The housing market is likely to continue its gradual climb upward next year after a sub-par 2014. We anticipate a fairly strong increase in housing starts in response to stronger employment and some improvement in related household incomes," Fannie Mae Chief Economist Doug Duncan.

Before we jump on the bandwagon, we must remember that no one can predict the future. As a matter of fact, we had similarly robust predictions about growth in 2014 at the end of 2013. The severe winter of 2013-2014 put a wrench in those predictions. Usually, predictions are based upon what is happening right now. The fact that the U.S. economy grew by 5.0% in the third quarter gives us optimism for 2015. So did the pace of job creation in November. Thus, December's job's numbers became important with regard to momentum going into the year and the numbers did not disappoint. The 252,000 jobs capped a year in which we added very close to three million jobs, which is the most in 15 years. Thus, not just optimism, but unbridled optimism. 

Mike Ervin
Branch Manager/Mortgage Banker

NMLS: 282715
O: 650.735.5261
C: 650.766.8500

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